Yip Logo

Yip.chat Version: 0.7.0

Created by: TeaLeaf the Tea Shark

Change Log:

  • 0.5.0
  • Initial UI rework
  • Protected Yips - require password
  • Reworked Editor Login
  • Started Version History

  • 0.5.5
  • Added Captcha to yip creation
  • Added better error handling

  • 0.5.8
  • Rebuilt Creation page
  • Added custom url codes

  • 0.6.0
  • Another UI revamp
  • Added test version of Different Yip Types

  • 0.7.0
  • Full UI overhaul
  • Full Backend Update
  • Theme Engine Added
  • Light and Dark Themes
  • New Logo!
  • Remix Still Coming Soon (tm)

  • What are yip's?
  • Yip's are small formatted text pages you can link anywhere with a short URL such as: https://yip.chat/G6y9876HXE
  • What can I post?
  • Anything you like that doesn't break our terms of service
  • Are Yips permanent?
  • As long as they are being accessed once a month, anything that's unread longer than that will be permanently deleted
  • Who can read yips
  • Anyone with the code
  • Can I edit a yip once it's made
  • Every yip has its own editor username and password, anyone with these details can make edits to a single yip
  • Can I format the text?
  • You can use basic Markdown formatting such as those found at
  • Are there user accounts?
  • Each Yip has its own editor account of sorts, anyone with the editor password can log in as it's editor
    If you access a locked Yip you will be logged in as a Viewer