Yip.chat - Version 0.4.5

First Release!


Welcome to Yip.chat, a simple text sharing site with no user accounts, designed to be as simple as possible.

As this is our first release there are still issues and missing features that are coming soon.

Currently functional features:

  • Posting new Yips with a generated code
  • Editing existing Yips
  • Reporting problematic Yips

Next release feature goals:

  • Improved mobile views
  • Improved Accessibility
  • Deleting Yips manually via Edit page
  • UX updates for improved usability

please send any feedback to feedback@yip.chat

~ By TeaLeaf <3

Author: Katie
Created: 2024-07-24 18:57:48
Updated: 2024-07-24 18:57:48
Views: 177